Support for your system,
millions of years in the making.
Discover what a collaboration between Earth and modern science
can do for human health.
Humble origins.
Brilliant potential.
Reached with science.
Humavir® is an immune support supplement based on the natural intelligence of humic acid, made smarter through science.
One molecule. Dynamic impact.
Formed from ancient plant matter, humic acid supports immune function and controls the inflammatory response, reducing oxidative stress.
Advanced through biochemistry.
Humavir’s multi-step purification process in combination with patented enhancements unlocks the full potential of humic acid.
Reinforce your system naturally with Humavir®
Comprehensive Lifecycle Support
Humavir is the only immune support product capable of enhancing intact immune systems and immune systems in decline.†
Mineral Support
Humavir naturally includes trace amounts of essential minerals that are relevant to immune function (zinc), oxygen transport (iron), detoxification (molybdenum and selenium), the musculoskeletal system (copper), and the heart (magnesium).†
Crossover Support
Humavir naturally supports healthful gut bacteria and gut barrier function.†