The Science


A collaboration of Earth, Time, and Science.

Tens of millions of years ago, the North American landscape was home to towering rain forests with unparalleled biodiversity.

Chemistry, pressure, and time transformed this diverse biomass into many things. Among them – the soil humeome – a complex and diverse collection of natural molecules that has the potential to improve the human condition.

Enter: humeomics.

\ hyü-mē-ō-miks \

In the early years of this millennium, advances in the humeomic sciences allowed for a molecular mapping of the soil humeome.

The findings recast the definition of humic acid and bridged ancient insight with scientific innovation.

Ayurvedic practitioners identified the ability of the soil humeome to support the human condition. Modern science unearthed its chemistry and its potential.

Scaffolding among the three has been a remarkable journey of scientific discovery and collaboration.

Brilliant potential, maximized.

Humavir® is a supplement based on the natural intelligence of humic acid — made smarter through science.

The molecule nature forged over millions of years adapts to immune systems in need of support and those in decline due to immune aging, while controlling inflammatory responses and oxidative stress at the cellular level.

Humavir’s multi-step purification process yields a humic acid molecule greater than 95% pure in independent third-party tests. Standard humic acid products are typically 30% pure.

Achieving “best in class” purity unlocks Humavir’s immune support potential. Patented enhancements amplify the effect of humic acid in human clinical studies.

The result? Support for life, millions of years in the making.

Humavir’s specially formulated supplement supports healthy immune function, naturally.

One molecule. Dynamic impact.

Formed from ancient plant matter, humic acid supports immune function and controls the inflammatory response, reducing oxidative stress.

Enhanced through purification.

Humavir starts with the highest quality raw material and subjects it to a multi-step purification process to unlock its immune support potential.

Advanced through biochemistry.

Patented enhancements increase Humavir’s efficacy as an immune support product in human clinical studies.

Sourced with care.

Humavir’s raw materials come from multiple locations in the United States that have been studied by geologists for over 20 years.


The hallmark of a healthy immune system is an adaptive immune response that leverages humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity to target pathogens (viruses and bacteria) and toxins.

Though the humoral and cell-mediated systems share fundamental features, their differences are what distinguish them. Humoral immunity depends on antibodies produced from B-cells working with T-cells. Cell-mediated immunity relies on the interaction of T cells, macrophage, and chemical signals from cytokines.

Attrition of the adaptive immune response with aging, and reliance on nonspecific immunity from the skin, mucosa and secretions to fill the gap, leaves older individuals more susceptible to infection, chronic inflammation, and cancer as they age.

Inflammaging” is sometimes used to describe a declining adaptive immune system and escalating chronic inflammation in older individuals.

The graphic below illustrates the humoral immune response to an environmental toxin.

Reprinted from “Protected Effects of Antibodies: Blockage of Toxin Binding to Cell Receptors,” by (2022). Retrieved from

Inflammation is a cellular response to tissue damage and infection. Chemical signals released by sensor cells trigger a physical response, which we can experience as fever and swelling.

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-ɑ) is one of the of primary mediators of the inflammatory response, so the ability to influence it can have a positive impact on the inflammatory response.

The graphic below illustrates tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-ɑ) as an inflammatory mediator.

Side note: TNF-ɑ is part of the larger NF-κB pathway, which co-exists with two other inflammatory pathways, JAK-STAT and MAPK.

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Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the body’s production of reactive oxygen species (also known as free radicals) and its antioxidant defenses.

Though the creation of reactive oxygen species is inevitable in living systems, the scales can be tipped in favor of their overproduction in the presence of nutritional deficiencies, environmental pollution, chronic inflammation, chronic infection, and small genomic changes (called polymorphisms) that favor oxidative stress.

Though an overabundance of free radicals damages cell membranes, vital cellular organelles including mitochondria, and DNA, our cells also use oxidative stress to neutralize foreign pathogens, such as bacteria, to keep our bodies healthy.

Preserving balance in the system is key to long-term health. Supporting micronutrient needs with nutrient dense fresh vegetables and fruit, reducing sources of chronic inflammation, and cleaning up our environment are all part of the solution.

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